Que mon bien aimé entre dans son jardin / Således at min elskede træder ind i sin have audio-visual performance Sung in a mix of French and Danish, this work has taken its lyrics from the beautiful Song of Songs, an erotic and love poem within the Bible. In Song of Songs love is portrayed […]
Category: LYM_live
LYM live works made in duo
audio-visual performance Version française Völuspá is an audiovisual performance inspired by a dramatic Northern tale that relates the birth of the world and its violent destruction through the fight of giants and gods. The octophonic electroacoustic composition overlayed with expressive cello laments, surrounds a hybrid performative digital and physical painting in a circle on the […]
Terrains vagues
audio-visual performance terrains vagues wandering is an audiovisual performance with live electric cello, speech and sound samples, performative drawing augmented with digital effects and the manipulation of a bonobo toy. The project is based on the collection of tweets sharing common hashtags. It illustrates the harmful effects of spread of ideas in society. On these […]
generative nights
audio-visual performance generative nights is an audio-visual performance about the exploration of a dark urban world in which humanity struggles with infinitely replicating micro-machines. Their growth and bursts are hypnotic and scaring. The visuals and sounds are rhythmically coupled by equipping the visual display with sensors. They capture the “light” on the surface and convert […]
audio-visual performance Version française Alchemy, once a science of metals and a philosophy of life, is now seen as the deep drives of our unconsciousness, heritage of our archaic culture and common past. Transforming silhouettes suggest the deep changes that our souls can undergo through the alchemical mutation. Hot fusions and frozen cascades materialize the […]