audio-visual solo dance performance
Annika KompArt and Lola and Yukao Meet

AraKnit is a cross-media performance between dancer Annika KompArt and audiovisual duo Lola and Yukao Meet – exploring the connectivity between social media, humans, and the arts.
AraKnit incorporates three art forms: dance, live performance drawing, and quadraphonic sound composition, together with the use of the audience’s phones as micro-speakers to broadcast parts of the soundscape. The dance constantly echoes and plays with the soundscapes, the looped videos, the swift drawing strokes, and the spatialized audiovisuals.
As a danced multi-channel performance, AraKnit addresses the presence of smartphone in our everyday life, the effect of social media on our behavior. What traces of automated body gestures are spread in the cyberworld. How our attention is captured through notifications.
Lola Ajima: cello and composition
Annika KompArt: dance and choreography
Yukao Nagemi: video and augmented performative drawing
Many thanks to L’Atheneum (centre culturel de l’Université de Bourgogne à Dijon) for residency and diffusion at Réseaux partout tu tisses, an art-science biennal funded by Region Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Photo credit for photos #1 ot 5 in the gallery: © Vincent Arbelet 2021, all rights reserved.
Many thanks to Château Ephémère (Tiers-lieu dédié aux arts numériques et sonores) for the two residencies in 2021 & 2022.
The backdrop video can be accessed on Vimeo here