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”RAW” is a portrait of a woman in a vulnerable emotional place, with everything stripped back. Everything around her is changing. All that she knows is gone. All she has is herself, and she is turning inwards and meeting all of her inner power, courage, strength and wisdom.

The dance film is a celebration of human life and a hopeful snapshot of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming challenges.

Idea and Direction: Lise Lønsmann
Dancer: Marika Gangemi
Director of Photography: Giacomo Corvaia
Editing and Photos: Giacomo Corvaia
Composition: Lola Ajima
Choreography: Lise Lønsmann in close collaboration with Marika Gangemi

Funded by:
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond
Statens Kunstfond

Year of creation: 2022


email: boeprz[at]

phone: +45 2614 4484

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Live looping and beat making in Ableton with Beats by Girlz // We Make Noise


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Here i will display the sound work that I have done for dance, installations, film and theatre

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Ejection Chain Reaction



Par l’Oeil de la Cyclope Enceinte

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Rush / Hastværk

Rush (or Hastværk in Danish) is a short dance movie by coerographer and artistic director in RØRSTRØMSK, Lise Lønsmann.

My main interest here, was to take the initial sounds which was produced from the dancers movements, either in relation to herself or to the surrounding objects, and use them as my raw material of sounds to create the soundscape or soundtrack. It was very interesting to see how by changing the sounds, the perception of the dance changed, when the coreography was taken away from its natural sounds. I only added a few other pre-recorded sounds to blend in with the initial sounds, for example the sound of my bass, which I often use because of my love of the very low and intens sound.

The idea was to use the raw material, but instead of letting the sounds illustrate the movements, I tried to let them create another sense of reality a somehow more inner narrative of perception that could go with the dancers own inner state of mind at the given time as the charecter in the movie. For me there was at least two different dimensions: how the real sounds would sound like if we were listening from inside the dancers physical head, and how the sounds could sound like if they were to narrate the landscape of the dancers emotionally state of mind from inside the dancers existential head. So that the physical body and the mental body got seperated into two but still played together as one. To let these two dimensions merge together, gave me the possibility to try to give the listener a sense of double reality feeling, in an abstract sense. It was my hope that the listener would sense how it was to feel distant to his or hers own body, and to play on the feeling on being captured physically inside a small room and being captures mentally inside oneself.

Note to self

Note to Self was first shown at the Danish Ambassy in Berlin 2010 and later shown at the contemporary art museum Aros in Aalborg, Denmark. For this I composed and recorded a new soundscape, based on the ealier one, but now with the aim to be played in head phones in the Kvium room of the museum, where the dancers would make a joint choreography.

Dancers: Chizu Kimura, Claudia Greco, Marika Gangemi.
Choreography: Lise Lønsmann in collaboration with the dancers.
Concept: Lise Lønsmann.