”RAW” is a portrait of a woman in a vulnerable emotional place, with everything stripped back. Everything around her is changing. All that she knows is gone. All she has is herself, and she is turning inwards and meeting all of her inner power, courage, strength and wisdom.
The dance film is a celebration of human life and a hopeful snapshot of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming challenges.
Idea and Direction: Lise Lønsmann
Dancer: Marika Gangemi
Director of Photography: Giacomo Corvaia
Editing and Photos: Giacomo Corvaia
Composition: Lola Ajima
Choreography: Lise Lønsmann in close collaboration with Marika Gangemi
Funded by:
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond
Statens Kunstfond
Year of creation: 2022